AI Tools for developers

AI Tools for developers

today is the time of artificial Intelligence and there are a lot of scopes today, there are a lot of websites that are around the web but many of us don't know about this so I will discuss a few of them regardless of ChatGPT 3 and chatGPT-4.

AI tools for Image


Midjourney is an AI-powered tool that is designed to convert your given text into an image. The user interface is quite easy and interactive.


StockImg is also one of the most powerful tools that are designed to convert your given text into an image. This website is the most go-on for beginners.


Artbreeder is also one the most famous and popular sites for AI generate images, this is also a must-try website if you wanna try it for the first time.


Nightcafe is also a very famous website for generating images using AI. This website is a must-go-on if you try to do AI automation in your work.


Photosinic is also an AI-generating image website that also gives a lot of boost to productivity as well as makes your work easy for the task.

AI Tools for UI Design


khroma is a UI design tool that is used to design a UI using AI. This is a must-go-on website if you wanna do this.


AutoDraw is also a UI design tool that is used to design a UI or design using AI. This a go-on website for beginners.


Looka is also a UI design tool that is used to design a UI or design using AI. This is also a must-try website if you wanna use the looka website.

Website Building AI Tools


Durable is a Website Building AI tool that can take your productivity to the next level if you wanna do just try it and become more productive in your work.


10Web is also a website Building AI tool that can easily build your website within a few minutes, so what are you guys waiting for, try this tool and make your life easy and play with this website.

Hoocos AI

Hoocos AI is a website Building AI tool that can easily build your website and take your productivity to the next level try these tools and build your website and play with it.


There are a lot of things that are currently on the market "Will AI replace us?" The answer is not. In this article, I just introduce some AI tools that make your life easy and increase your productivity to the next level.